Covid update - November 2020

We continue to work hard to keep the residents and staff safe at Yercombe Lodge during the covid-19 pandemic. We ensure that we keep up to date with the current guidelines from the government and try to ensure that information is cascaded to staff and families and friends of Yercombe Lodge. 

Testing – We are continuing to test our staff weekly and all residents every 28 days. Staff have also received antibody testing. – we continue to have had no covid-19 cases in the home. 

Visiting- We know how important it is to all that visits in some capacity can take place. We will continue with our phone call ‘window visits’ until guidance changed and we are able to carry out visits in a safe way. We have a visiting screen being constructed in the greenhouse that will hopefully make visits more personal and private. We will ensure that we keep you fully updated. 

Staffing – Our dedicated staff team have been fantastic throughout the pandemic. We have all worked as a team to ensure our high standards of care have been maintained through this pandemic. We are welcoming new faces to the team and look forward to working with them. 


Covid update - May 2021


Covid update -July 2020